Kallie Revealed
Kallie Revealed
Mel Teshco
When Kallie’s fairytale life turned into a nightmare, she dealt with the stress in a way she never would have imagined. For too long she’s yearned to live life outside the box, experience things she has always been too afraid to try.
Becoming every man’s fantasy as a stripper drives away the constant ache within and makes her feel beautiful again. She discovers her dark side and sets out to explore her secret desires.
Seth Masterton is a rising star in the corporate world and he is everything Kallie has ever wanted. He’s watched all Kallie’s performances and never hides his lust for her. She knows it is time to face her demons and make some changes in her life. Maybe this possessive man is all she really needs. Tonight, she’ll find out.
Note: This book contains a brief female/female sex scene, which takes place during a steamy, male/female group sex scene.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Kallie Revealed
ISBN 9781419926723
Kallie Revealed Copyright © 2010 Mel Teshco
Edited by Pamela Campbell
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication April 2010
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Kallie Revealed
Mel Teshco
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Velcro: Velcro Industries B.V. LTD
Chapter One
He was here again.
Kallie knew it the moment she strutted onto the stage in a white cowgirl hat and matching, sleek tasseled dress. Even as the Sydney club echoed with wolf whistles and lewd cheers, from somewhere in the crowd she felt his stare.
Seth Masterton. A man going to the stratosphere in the corporate world. A rising star. He could have any woman he wanted, and yet here he was, watching her.
Her skin tingled, her pulse thudding like a freight train quickly gaining speed. She smiled, hoping he liked what he saw! And hell, she wasn’t one to disappoint.
Not anymore.
Heavy bass flooded the stage. A spotlight dazzled directly above her, the spectator’s faces now dim in the crowd as she threw her head back and then strode forward, hips swiveling to the beat before she grabbed hold of the center pole and executed a turn.
Ha. The audience would expect more, but she liked to tease, liked the pretense of innocence before she showed her true self. Literally.
Shoulder blades bracketed against the pole, Kallie leaned back, tan, thigh-high, heeled boots spread wide and arms above her head as she slithered down and then ever so slowly up. It was just her and the music now. The men, and probably a few women, were all silent, salivating as she did her thing.
A delicious thrill zapped straight between her thighs. Yes, she danced for everyone who’d paid to watch. But in reality, Kallie danced for only one person—Seth.
She straightened and the tips of her fingers traced the outer rim of her cowgirl hat. Then, with a flick of her wrist, she launched it through the air, her arrow-straight blonde hair immediately cascading to her waist.
A roar of approval met her performance. The room pulsed with energy and crackled with lust and Kallie couldn’t deny the excitement leaping within.
She stilled, closing her eyes to soak it all in. She could have any man or woman here tonight—married, gay, rich or poor. The knowledge licked through her veins and made her pussy wet.
She’d fuck Seth tonight.
With a smile of anticipation, she opened her eyes and sashayed forward. A hidden, industrial fan ensured the sudden gust of air whipped back her long hair and pressed the white dress against her straining breasts.
A chair waited for her at the front of the stage and she stilled behind it while she looked out into the darkness to her left, sensing Seth’s presence. She shivered with longing.
This is for you.
One hand resting on the high-backed seat, she gyrated to the music while her other hand lifted. Her fingers, one by one, released the studs at the front of her dress. It peeled open to reveal glimpses of gold-tanned flesh and barely-there crimson lace underwear.
The music peaked and then went silent. She heard someone moan even before the light slipped away and ran over the crowd.
She stepped out of her dress and kicked it to one side. And in the cover of shadows she allowed her smile to fade while long repressed grief stirred and swelled.
It was bizarre how life had panned out. Sorrow had catapulted her onto this journey of self-discovery, this exploring of her fantasies, where for the brief moments when she was on stage, she felt whole and beautiful again.
Oh god. Don’t think about it. Not now!
The light stilled and illuminated a man’s shadowy figure, revealing the hand he had stuffed into his pants as he fondled himself. Some men nearby choked out a laugh. Others shuffled their feet and looked away, clearly relieved it wasn’t one of them who’d been caught in the act.
Loud bass recommenced. Light flooded the stage again, all attention returning to Kallie.
She took a deep breath and gave a high-wattage smile. She looked great. She knew that now, believed it even without the stage, the props and admiring stares. The lacy red thong kissed the valley between her butt cheeks and nibbled her clit just so. Her matching bra barely restrained her breasts, pushed high and pouty.
Flowing to the music, Kallie half spun and dropped onto the chair. She straddled it before arching back and displaying a supple body that was still toned and fit, thanks to a love of gymnastics.
Few would care. Half the crowd would dream about what position they’d use to fuck her, the other half would be craning their necks to see if her breasts would finally defy gravity and spill free from their constraint.
Let them fantasize.
The beat changed, and keeping her legs straight, she flexed her thighs apart, her pussy high and almost dripping as her hands roamed over her torso and dipped under her bra to caress her nipples, which strained for her own well-practiced touch.
Oh yes.
She sighed, aching for release, aching for a man’s touch—one man’s touch. Soon. Soon she’d have what she craved.
Hooking her feet under the crossbar at the back of the secured chair, she hoisted herself up before pivoting to face the crowd. Sitting straight, her feet together and butt cheeks on the very edge of the seat, she took hold of her knees and slowly pulled her legs apart.
I’ve got them now.
sp; Yearning was palpable and filled the air like an electric charge. For a moment Kallie pondered just how many cocks were close to bursting.
She tossed her head forward, allowing her hair to spiral down and curtain a triumphant grin. Composed, she whipped it back and shook out the long tresses before coming to her feet.
She’d drawn her act out long enough. It was time to bring it to a close.
A strip of Velcro kept the lace bra in place, and it took only a thumb and forefinger for her to wrench it free, baring twin globes with hard-as-rock cherry nipples, to every pleasure-seeking gaze.
She shimmied and hoots and cheers erupted en-masse, even louder than the music with its heavy, pulsating beat.
Smiling, she sauntered to the edge of the stage, spiked thigh-high boots and thong still in place. She could have removed it, but without it strapped tight to her ass, there’d be nowhere to secure the tips from all-too-eager men willing to part with their cash. House rules meant she had two minutes tops to work the room and earn what she could before the next act started—and before the wound-up, lecherous men became a little too impassioned.
“Here’s a hundred.” A large, dark-skinned hand tucked the note under the string of her thong and she barely repressed a shiver of excitement when he added throatily, “And there’ll be ten more of those if I can see you later tonight.”
A gentleman? Why didn’t he just come right out and ask if he could see her ASAP and fuck her senseless? Forcing away thoughts of whom she really wanted, she gave him a seductive smile. Of course she wouldn’t agree to his offer, but still, it couldn’t hurt to tease—it’s what she was paid to do. She pushed her breasts close, drawling huskily, “It could be worth my while.”
“Then I hope this gentleman won’t mind sharing.”
Kallie pivoted, all her senses straining to see Seth, to touch, listen, taste. Her belly dipped suddenly and flip-flopped as her mind overtook her body’s response. Surely he didn’t think she’d share herself around. Did he?
The illicit thought left her feeling disorientated, conflicted. She needed the money, desperately—and though she’d wanted to experience life outside the square, this hadn’t ever been on her to-do list. She just wanted…Seth.
The man of her thoughts reached up and slid a folded wad of notes under her thong. “I’ll double his offer.”
Her heart stuttered at his touch, his voice, his look. Her skin goose bumped as she managed a nod. My oh my, he was handsome. A bronze face enhanced the possessive glitter of hard, almost-black eyes, softened mildly by long sooty lashes and disheveled spikes of jet-black hair.
She shivered, her pulse thudding. His stare ate her up, burned her with an intensity that was both frightening and exciting. “That’s very generous,” she all but purred, leaning down and stroking one index finger under the rough, day-old stubble of his chin. “The question is, can you afford me?”
His eyes flashed, reminding her of strong, bitter coffee. Then his head lifted, welcoming her touch. Passion thickened his voice, “I’d give you the last coin in my wallet if that’s what it’d take.”
Her throat dried. He meant it. He really, really meant it! She leaned closer still, her mouth next to his ear as she murmured above the music, “Then I hope I don’t disappoint.”
He turned his head, his lips almost touching hers. “Believe me, you won’t.”
She tore her gaze from his, away from his kissable lips, away from the sensual spell he wove. That he felt deeply for her was not an issue. What she was going to do about it was.
The music faded. Her time was up.
All her attention focused on the man who fascinated her as much as she seemed to fascinate him. She managed a jerky nod. “I’ll see you soon.”
Kallie turned to the nameless, dark-skinned man who watched their exchange with burning eyes, adding, “And you too.”
A threesome. She shivered with something close to alarm. Yet she was also aware that anticipation sung in her blood—and it struck her anew just how very bored and jaded she’d grown with her privileged upbringing.
After the death of her mother in a water-skiing accident when she was barely eight years old, her increasingly disinterested father had assuaged his guilt by giving her whatever she asked. It was only when he’d learned his daughter’s youthful crush had strong feelings for her too, that he’d shown sudden concern—along with a steely, unbending spine.
In the end, her dad’s threat to disinherit her hadn’t mattered. Some things simply couldn’t be bought.
Backstage, she descended the steps leading to the womens’ large dressing room, pushing cheerless thoughts aside as she made her way through a dozen or so semi-naked bodies. She headed toward the far end of the room, to where she’d claimed her handkerchief-sized, personal allotment.
Grabbing a black mini-dress from the racks of assorted, fuck-me clothes, she pulled it on, admiring how its silver sequined hem fell just below the curve of her ass, accentuating it.
“Looks like you’re finally succumbing to temptation,” Leonie said mildly while she applied yet another layer of burnt-orange lipstick.
Kallie placed her tips into a cash-tin and locked it shut. She took a glittering hair tie from her dresser and turned to acknowledge the buxom redhead, whose hazel eyes watched her from the reflection of her dresser mirror.
“Yes, I’m sure Max will be relieved.” She tugged her hair up into a high ponytail and laughed without humor. “Why wouldn’t he be? He’ll be making a wad off me tonight.”
Leonie grimaced, then capped the lipstick and fluffed her ginger hair. “He’ll be delighted. You fuck some horny men and he stands back with his hand out.”
“I know.” Her heart thudded at the prospect. She’d never agreed to a threesome before. She felt as though she’d thrown herself into the deep end and was drowning in self-doubt. Ill-ease slid down her spine but was followed closely by a voice of reassurance.
It’d be okay. She’d have to be blind not to see the possessive way Seth looked at her. He wouldn’t share her—would he?
Taking a deep breath, she tugged her dress down, ensuring the neckline showed ample cleavage. “At least I’ll be getting some action, unlike that old goat.”
Unashamedly naked, Leonie spun around on her high bar stool. Her white thighs, with their dusting of freckles, slipped apart and revealed a moist sheen beneath a strawberry vee of hair. “I’ve been sucking that old goat’s cock dry now for months,” she said with a sigh, but her eyes glinted as she appraised Kallie. “To be honest, I’d do you for free if the dirty bugger didn’t pay me five-hundred cash to get his rocks off.”
In a profession where passion quickly faded and money became the only thing that mattered, it was a compliment of the highest order. Even a mental picture of Leonie, her matchstick-orange lips wrapped around Max’s cock as he reclined in his leather chair, a smile creasing his wrinkled face, couldn’t diminish the inner glow.
She sashayed closer to the naked redhead. Her pussy was already moist with a frustration she’d yet to soothe. Now her body was also flushed with curiosity. “I’ve never done it with a woman before.”
“Then you’ve been missing out big-time,” Leonie said with a breathy sigh. Her tongue slipped across her glossy top lip. “I like to make a woman squirm.”
Everything around them receded as Kallie allowed the redhead to slip taloned fingers behind her ass and tug her forward.
One of Leonie’s hands lifted Kallie’s flimsy dress, while the other slipped inside her panties to part her cunt wide. A finger went deep into the juices and then expertly flicked the sensitive nub of her clit.
“Save that for a paying audience.”
Kallie’s breath hissed in outraged disbelief when Leonie’s hands fell to her sides. The redhead immediately gave attention to their boss, who clearly paid her too much to do anything but.
“Just playing, sweet cakes,” Leonie purred, giving him a smile and an extra tantalizing look at her bou
nty as she parted her legs wider.
Max scowled, her seduction clearly a wasted effort. “Not on my time, you’re not.”
“Charming, as usual,” Kallie muttered, passion ebbing as frustration increased.
“Haven’t you got clients waiting?” asked her boss, jabbing his thumb toward the back rooms.
Of course! Kallie smiled, suddenly so much better as a lush wickedness spiraled within. Seth was waiting for her.
“And make it worth their while,” Max rumbled, dollar signs in his watery stare. “We want them back again and willing to part with more of their cash.”
“If they do return…” She paused beside him, aware of his stale scent made worse by the Columbian cigars he endlessly smoked. She grimaced. How did Leonie bear to touch him? “It won’t be because of the overpriced booze and plush furnishings.”
Leaving him spluttering behind her, she made her way to the hallway in the back of the club, where the doorways were nothing more than thick velvet drapes. Moans and sighs drifted from behind them, causing the ache in her pussy to throb fiercer still as she strode past.
She lengthened her stride then and jerked the allocated curtain aside.
Oh my.
The dark-skinned man was already undressed, one hand stroking his huge cock. Seth was fully clothed in ass-hugging jeans and an open, fleece-lined jacket that was a couple of shades lighter than his midnight-dark hair. He waited on the sofa, possessive hunger filling his gaze.
It was an automatic reaction for her to pinpoint Seth. Holding his gaze, she asked, “Starting without me?”
“I’d say at least one of us is,” he said drily, yet there was an unmistakable note of tension in his voice.
She smiled. She wasn’t going to make this any easier for him! Stepping into the room, she slipped the dress ever so slowly over her head. She wore no bra and she heard an audible groan from them both as she bared her breasts. A wet patch on her panties revealed her own lust and after she peeled them off and threw them aside, the dark-skinned man caught them midair with his free hand—his other one still attached to his cock—and breathed in her scent.